Cream Earl Grey
I always liked Earl Grey, but this was a game changer for me. I love the smell of this tea, and the flavor is so smooth with a hint of sweetness. Now one of my all time favorites!
I always liked Earl Grey, but this was a game changer for me. I love the smell of this tea, and the flavor is so smooth with a hint of sweetness. Now one of my all time favorites!
We love this tea! It makes the best London Fog ever! Such a treat!
I’m an earl grey tea, lover, and haven’t found too many earl Grey creams that I like. This tea blew me away!! This is so delicious!! I bought it while visiting Homestead heritage in Texas, and was so happy I could buy this online.
I love tea and I love Earl Gray. But when I tasted Kai Cream Earl Gray there was never anything else for me. I love it hot with cream and sugar or iced. It is flavorful and refreshing.
I am a huge Earl Grey fan. This tasted too overpowering in the extra flavor and not enough robust dark tea flavor. It wasn't "my cup of tea".