Fiji Island Coconut

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A splash of fresh, creamy, Fiji-grown coconut with a hearty Assam black tea. This delicious blend of Fiji Island coconut complimenting bold Assam black tea is like vacation in a cup. 

While traveling through the South Pacific, we discovered possibly the purest of all coconut groves on a small island in Fiji. Fiji enjoys one of the most beautiful and pristine settings on earth. Rich and full flavored for a hearty cup. This simple, unique and delicious brew remains our most popular blend.

Antioxidant level: Very high

Caffeine meter: Medium

This tea is:

+ Free of artificial flavors or colors + Free of herbicides & pesticides + Grown organically + Gluten free + Dairy free +  Free of genetically modified ingredients



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Fuji Island Coconut
Written by Shirley on 2nd Mar 2025

I discovered Kai tea at Homestead Heritage's Gris Mill (they call it Island Coconut). Its my favorite tea!

Island cocoanut tea
Written by Kennedy Celia on 22nd Dec 2024

Discovered this tea at homestead cafe. Been ordering ever since.

My Favorite Tea
Written by Cathy on 11th Dec 2024

I recently switched from coffee to tea and I stumbled across Kai Organic Teas. As a Texas resident, I love to support local businesses, but if the product isn’t good, I won’t go back. I’ve now ordered from Kai teas twice, and will be a loyal customer. Their black teas are well-balanced, with a full-bodied flavor that never gets bitter. The coconut flavor is perfectly mild…never cloying or artificial tasting. I did forget to use my 15% Black Friday code when stocking up on my last order, so if you read this at Kai…hook a lady up!

Fiji coconut tea
Written by Leslie on 11th Dec 2024

This is my favorite tea! Great flavor, and it’s my go-to tea each day. Love that it’s made and sold locally. I was first introduced to the Kai teas at Homestead Cafe, and your brand is all we buy now.

New Tea Drinker
Written by Clarice on 4th Dec 2024

I purchased several samples and some tins of Kai Tea for an Earth Day Tea Party that I had organized this summer. All of them were a hit at the Tea Party and I had some left over that I kept for home. My grandsons, ages 9 & 11 frequently spend the night with me and so it happened that they were with me one morning shortly after the tea party, and I was making breakfast for them, drinking a cup of tea. I asked them if they had ever had warm tea to drink. They responded no.. but were curious about it... So, I made them each a cup of tea.. just like my grandmother had made for me when I was about their age. They tried the Figi Island Coconut, and the Mint Chocolate Kai Tea's.. with a little honey & cream in both. Well, we now have 2 new Tea drinkers in the Family, with the Island Coconut coming in at the big winner! The boys have new Tea Cups of their own, and it has become a favorite when having breakfast at Mimi's house. Thank you for the lovely tea blends, you are making memories with us.